Impartiality policy
The aim of this policy is to demonstrate our commitment to impartiality so that parent/carers and young people, schools and the local authority may be confident and access our service as a key source of impartial information on special educational needs and disability law.
Information and publicity
- We will provide impartial information, support and training to explain policy and legislation.
- Our leaflets, website and publicity materials will provide accurate, neutral and impartial information in plain English, and community languages through our website.
- We will endeavour to advertise our service and its nature as widely as possible.
Networking and collaboration
- When working with parents, young people or professionals, we will inform them of the impartial nature of our service.
- Whether working with parents, young people or professionals, we will consider factors that may be affecting their response and we may offer a constructive challenge to inaccurate perceptions.
Reflective practice
- We are aware that our own personal factors may have an impact on our impartiality, and we will use training and supervision to monitor standards and encourage reflective practice.
- We will support parents and young people to prepare and present their own views, but will not advocate on their behalf, so as to promote or defend any particular point of view.
Working practice of challenge
- We will provide information and support for parents and young people in challenging schools and Hillingdon SEND policy and practice when it is outside current legislation or guidance.
- If a parent, young person or professional is unhappy with any aspect of our service, including our impartiality, they may complain through our complaint procedures.
Training and supervision
- All staff who work for Hillingdon SENDIASS will follow the guidance in this impartiality policy. This will be part of training and will be monitored through supervision.
- All of our staff will be introduced to the impartiality policy through induction and training.
- Our office is located in the Civic Centre, Uxbridge, but not with the SEND team. We use working practices to ensure that SENDIASS work is not seen or overheard by other departments.
- We will use drop-in sessions around Hillingdon to provide independent access for parents.
Relationship with the local authority
- This impartiality policy will be monitored and reviewed annually.
- Our policies are published on our website and will be kept up to date.