Moving into adulthood research participation opportunity
We have been contacted by a student who is looking for participants. Please see the information and links below on how to apply if you're interested.
I am writing to you today to introduce myself as Lydia Mahoney, a master's student at Manchester Metropolitan University conducting research for my dissertation project.
My project focuses on understanding the experiences of young adults (aged 18-24) who had Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) in their transition from school or college to university.
I am currently seeking participants who meet the following criteria:
- Current undergraduate students
- Aged 18-24
- Who had an EHCP from year 9 until leaving school or college
The study involves:
- An individual interview lasting approximately one hour conducted on Microsoft Teams in the next few weeks
- Discussing the participant's experiences transitioning from school/college to university with an EHCP
This research has received ethical approval from Manchester Metropolitan University (reference number: 65205).
Given your work with young people with EHCPs, I would be grateful if you could share this information with any individuals who might be interested in participating. For their reference, I have attached the following documents:
- Participant information (Word doc) [93KB]: This document outlines the study in detail, including the purpose, methodology, and potential risks and benefits of participation.
- Consent Form (Word doc) [87KB]: This document outlines the participant's rights and ensures informed consent.
Please note that the names of local authorities and identifying details will not be included in any publications or presentations arising from this research to ensure anonymity. The results of the interviews will be thematically analysed along with all other anonymous interviews.
Thank you for your time and assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Lydia Mahoney
MSc Psychology (Conversion) Student
Manchester Metropolitan University